I leant this to the Bellaire High School Makerspace. It’s…

I leant this to the Bellaire High School Makerspace. It’s a sound meter based on a similar project from Adafruit. The Arduino-compatible Flora board reads the signal from the microphone and lights the strip of NeoPixel LEDs based on the level of sound. The brightness is also based on the sound level. Yes the knob goes to 11. You can control the max brightness with the knob.

Tonight I got to be on a web show I normally watch as a…

Tonight I got to be on a web show I normally watch as a spectator! And with my students! Students that WON a NASA research competition! They are amazing kids and this was so much fun. Dr. Pamela Gay hosts these shows and they are laid back and informal and just cool to watch as an astronomy nerd. I’m so glad I got to be on with the team!