 * From WeTeach_CS Pseudocode Workbook July 2024 Pages 21-23 - J Newland
 * Copyright WeTeach_CS 2024. All Rights Reserved.
 * Note: comments are Java-like rather than Pythonic
 * Methods, or functions, or procedures, are actions programs can take.
 * In general, think of methods as verbs. 
 * Best practice: name methods based on what they do!
 * Why would we want methods or functions or procedures?

 * Void methods don't return anything so output happens by printing usually.
 * Method first line is called the signature or header.
 * If nothing is meant to be returned, the first word of the signature is void
 * or procedure. Here is the pattern:

		void verblikeNameHere(any inputs here)
			algorithm for the method here...
		end verblikeNameHere

procedure setName(String newName)
    name <- newName
end setName

void helloWorld() // Note the use of camelCase
	print ("Hello, World!")
end helloWorld

 * Return methods send data back to where the method was called. 
 * Java and most languages return just one thing.
 * Python can return multiple things.
 * The signature is a kind of contract: if the user of the method gives the right
 * kind of input, here is what output this method will give.
 * Make methods as short as you can get away with. Break problems into parts. 
 * Here is the pattern:
 	return-type-here verbyNameHere(inputs and their data types go here)
 		algorithm goes here.
 		return data-to-be-returned //return data and end NOW!
 	end verbyNameHere
// Precondition: the variable name will exist and have data
String getName()
    return name // When return is called, the method is DONE
end getName

// Consumes: 2 ints & Returns: sum as an int (contract)
int addBoth(int x, int y) // Pre-condition: x and y are ints and exist
    int result <- x + y
	return result
end addBoth

 * Actual vs formal parameters:
 * The parameter in the method signature
 * (or contract) is called formal because
 * it only exists WHEN THE METHOD IS RUNNING
 * The parameter "passed" to the method when
 * we call the method is called actual because
 * that's the real data being sent as input (consumed).
 * In pseudocode, we assume parameters are passed by value.
 * So a copy of the actual parameters is placed in the formal parameter.
 * If you want to indicate pass by reference, you have to do it explicitly.

// Defining our methods
int doubleIt(int num) // num is formal parameter
    int result <- num*2
    return result // Should return num doubled
end doubleIt // post condition: will return num doubled

// Precondition: name is an existing String
void changeNameToGeorge(pass-by-reference String name)
    name <- "George" // What actual impact does this have?
end changeNameToGeorge

int doubleIt2(int n) // passed by value by default
    int result <- n*2
    n <- -1 // What actual impact does this have?
    return result
end doubleIt2

// Using our methods
int result <- doubleIt(16) // 16 is actual parameter
print (result) // should be?

String name <- "Chaim"
print (name) // should be?

int price <- 114
print(doubleIt2(price)) // should be?
print(price) // Is price changed by doubleIt2?

// Examples for practice questions.

void stuff1(char a) // Note that the parameter a is formal
	if(a == 'A' OR a == 'a')
		print "Great job!"
	else if(a == 'B' OR a == 'b')
		print "Good work."
	else if(a == 'C' OR a == 'c')
		print "You can do better."
		print "Try harder!"
end stuff1

int stuff2(int x)
	if(x % 2 == 0)
		return x*2
		return x*3
end stuff2

 * Practice Set 6 – Methods
 * Given the method definitions above, show the output for each method call below.
 * The symbol -> reads as "should yield"

// 1. // Note that the parameter 'A' is actual
stuff1('A') ->

// 2.
stuff1('F') -> 

// 3. (Why do we have to print what stuff2 returns?)
print stuff2(14) ->

// 4. 
print stuff2(15) ->

// 5. Write the method call to produce the output: You can do better.

// 6. Write the method call to produce the output: Good work.

// 7. Write the method call to produce the output: 20

// 8. Write the method call to produce the output: 51

// 9. Complete the procedure given the following header to print the phrase
// “Hello, George” if the call to the procedure is greet(“George”)

procedure greet (String name) // Note the curly braces instead of just spaces!

}end greet

// 10. Complete the method given the following header to return “dog” if
// the value of the parameter is negative, “cat” otherwise.

String bean(int num)

}end bean

//Sample call results:
// print bean(34) -> cat
// print bean(-3) -> dog

// 11. Write the output of the call:
print bean(0) -> 

// Python examples: https://trinket.io/python3/7faa3d8ef9
// Java examples: https://trinket.io/java/f038d2c927

// Created by Jimmy Newland - newton@jayfox.net - 2024/08/02